DEMUTH Investment Trust został założony przez dwie doświadczone firmy inwestycyjne i jest ekskluzywnym funduszem dla inwestorów. Zapewniamy inwestycje podobnie myślącym uczestnikom. Jako współinwestorzy w naszej rozszerzonej grupie biznesowej angażujemy Cię w nasze decyzje inwestycyjne i chcemy czerpać z Twojego szerokiego doświadczenia.


DEMUTH zapewnia wysoki zwrot, którego powinieneś oczekiwać i zapewnia bezpieczeństwo dla twoich ciężko zarobionych pieniędzy, których powinieneś oczekiwać.

  • Inwestycje zabezpieczona na nieruchomościach, które znacznie przewyższa ryzyko inwestycyjne.
  • Kwartalna wypłata bonusu inwestycyjnego
  • DEMUTH zapewnia poziom zwrotu z inwestycji, którego zawsze należy oczekiwać
  • Wszyscy jedziemy na tym samym wózku. Założyciele DEMUTH Investment Trust i nowi inwestorzy są współinwestorami. My, założyciele, wierzymy w nasz produkt i zwykle używamy go do inwestowania własnego kapitału.

Zarządzanie kapitałem

ze Stabilnym i bezpiecznym partnerem

Secure Capital Our first order of business is to keep your capital secure
Stable income You will get a reliable stream of fixed income on your investment
High profits DEMUTH promises you exceptional profits in the range of capital markets


Do not lose your hard earned capital when investing! Earning a return on your investments is important but not at the risk of losing your capital. At DEMUTH we implement the strongest measures possible to secure your capital. The security of your capital is based on our management and contractual work and through the security of the real estate which the loan takers give as collateral. These are the measures we take to make the whole investment process safe and profitable.


DEMUTH Investment Trust was founded and is managed by two experienced investment firms. Demuth Group and Business Investment Trust have been operating on the CEE markets for over 25 years and have been working with loan investments since 2015.

Solid real estate market

DEMUTH investments are secured by Polish real estate. Poland is part of the EU since 2004 and has outperformed the GDP of countries like the US and Germany ever since. Even during COVIT, Poland’s real estate prices have grown in double digits** and have been outperforming all other major EU economies. As an exclamation to this point we should mention that Poland is currently constructing the highest skyscraper in the EU.

**July 2020: according to Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union

Due diligence

Loanees and their real estate collateral are going through a stringent due diligence process. Finally less than 10% of all applicants pass this procedure.


DEMUTH secures all loans with real estate and an LTV (Loan to Value Ratio) of 35% to 65%. Meaning that all loans are secured with a real estate value that vastly surpasses the loan value. For example, a loan equivalent to $100.000 would be secured by real estate valued between $150.000 and $285.000. That is protection you can trust.

Strong contracts

Contractual security between DEMUTH Investment Trust and the loanee is another important step. Loans are secured and real estate collateral are anchored by the most secure contract allowable under Polish law.



Zpraszamy do kontaktu


Ul. Bydgoska 7a lok.9
81-322 Gdynia, Poland

Phone: Telefon:

+48 790 850 540